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World Athletics sanktionerer Rusland og Hviderusland

World Athletics Council har i dag indvilget i at indføre sanktioner mod forbundene i Rusland og Hviderusland som følge af invasionen af ​​Ukraine. Alle atleter, stabsmedlemmer og officials fra Rusland og Hviderusland vil blive udelukket fra alle World Athletics Series-begivenheder i en overskuelig fremtid med øjeblikkelig virkning.

Kommende begivenheder omfatter World Athletics Championships Oregon 2022, World Athletics Indoor Championships Beograd 2022 og World Athletics Race Walking Team Championships Muscat 2022, som begynder på fredag ​​i Oman (4. marts). 

I en tale til Rådet sagde præsidenten for World Athletics, Sebastian Coe, følgende: “The world is horrified by what Russia has done, aided and abetted by Belarus. World leaders sought to avoid this invasion through diplomatic means but to no avail given Russia’s unswerving intention to invade Ukraine. The unprecedented sanctions that are being imposed on Russia and Belarus by countries and industries all over the world appear to be the only peaceful way to disrupt and disable Russia’s current intentions and restore peace.

Anyone who knows me will understand that imposing sanctions on athletes because of the actions of their government goes against the grain. I have railed against the practice of politicians targeting athletes and sport to make political points when other sectors continue about their business. This is different as governments, business and other international organisations have imposed sanctions and measures against Russia across all sectors. Sport has to step up and join these efforts to end this war and restore peace. We cannot and should not sit this one out.”

Dette er dele af den pressemeddelelse World Athletics er kommet ud med i dag. Hele pressemeddelelsen kan læses her.

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